
2003年 プラド美術館情報(2)






 Dear Ana Martin and Prado-Museam's Staff,

 Thank you very much for your reply.
 I was glad about your kind reply.
 We(our japanese company) are thankful to you for your help.
  I already reserved my air-ticket to arrive at  Madrid on 4th March.
 And,I reserved a  single room  of  Suecia Hotel.
 So I'm going to visit your museum both on 5th and 6th March.
 However in Japan it is said that we need to get the reservation ahead to see "Vermeer exhibition ". Is it really?
 I'd like to make sure whether it's the fact or not.
 But if in fact we need the reservation ahead,what shall I do?
 Would you advice me any good idea to see Vermeer exhibition?
 I'm lookinfg forward to getting your best reply soonest.

 Your  Sincerely,
 Satoru  Maetani

 Dear Satoru  Maetani:
 It' s really that you will be your reservation for the exhibition's ticket,
 but we haven't jet the phone number. We are working in this matter. Could you ask me this information next month, please?

 Ana Martin



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