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MESSAGE NO TITLE /Cyncanaxoto (11/07/15(Fri) 02:53) [87]
......MESSAGE hey everyone /OrenBJ (13/02/24(Sun) 18:49) [151]

親記事 / ▼[ 151 ]
□投稿者/ Cyncanaxoto -(2011/07/15(Fri) 02:53:26)
□U R L/
I just sent this post to a bunch of my friends as I agree with most of what you池e saying here and the way you致e presented it is awesome.

▲[ 87 ] / 返信無し
NO.151  hey everyone
□投稿者/ OrenBJ -(2013/02/24(Sun) 18:49:19)
□U R L/
just stopping by to say hey

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